6 Gifts All Girls Want This Valentines Day- Regardless of their Relationship Status

1.Wine. Do I really have to explain why? Wine is everyone’s best friend. It’s the cure-all for any bad mood and the perfect addition to a night in. Paired nicely with a homemade pasta dish, it will certainly make any girl’s night just that much better.


2. Friends. Regardless of the wonderful romantic evening that has been planned since December, or the chocolate-eating fest that all your friends will be attending, the love felt from a friendship can never be compared to anything else. Showing love for your girls (and boys or those who don’t identify with any gender) is a must for this festive day of love. Just because you don’t have a significant other does not mean that you can’t spread the love this Valentines Day.


3.Chocolate. Although it isn’t my thing, I have observed, first hand, the magical effects of chocolate on people. It cures the cravings, gives a reason to live when the cramps are really hitting hard, and mops up the tears when the day hasn’t been as nice as we wanted it to be. Although it is a wonderful mood lifter, it can also be a nice treat when you are happy as well. It’s true: you can never have too much chocolate. This is a law of physics. tumblr_o2dt7ghgle1r2jpbvo1_500

4. Food. Pizza, quesadillas, tacos, etc. We want it all. On a good day, food is still the number one priority, no matter what. This is no exception on Valentines Day. Bring on the assembly line. We ladies, single and taken, will always be ready to eat.


5. Netflix. Unlimited rom-coms and horror movies galore, Netflix is what is in store. Corny puns aside, though, movies with bae and movies with the ladies are always a must. It might just be my bias, but good, quality movies are a game changer. They can elevate my day from good to spectacular as well as cause me to always nerd out over my favorite directors and screenwriters (Tarantino, anyone?). Movies and Netflix will never lie to you or betray you. They are your friend.


6. Confidence and Love. Self love and the acceptance of who you are is one of the most valuable qualities in today’s world. With the ever-constant presence of happy couples on Valentines day, it is imperative that each and every one of us can realize that happiness is never reliant on the presence of a partner. Realize your worth, spread your magic, and revel in your self love this Valentines Day.

We are a bizarre but beautiful species. If you believe that human beings need love, and deserve love…then you must someday grow into the belief that YOU also need love and deserve love, and that you must stop being so stingy about giving it to yourself.”

—  // Elizabeth Gilbert


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